Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DIY Instagram Polaroids

A while I go, on someone's blog (I forget who's sorry) I saw the most adorable instagram polaroids.

The second I noticed them I knew I wanted to DIY them, and I finally got around to it on the weekend.

It was really simple...

I picked out a dozen of my favourite photos from instagram, added a polaroid frame to each one using picnik and printed them out onto 200gsm card stock.

Then using my trusty guilotine I chopped them down to size.

I used this little embossing tool and a ruler to create an indent along the inside edge of the frames. It's hard to see in these photos, but it subtly gives the 'polaroids' a bit more depth and makes them look a little more realistic.

You can see it better in this photo of the magnets I added to the back of each photo. I used some magnetic tape that I had in my craft cupboard, but a great way to keep costs down is to cut up and use those advertising magnets that turn up in your mailbox.

And voila, insta-roid magnets!! I love them :)

(PS I'm always on the look out for more people to follow on instagram. my username is @tamsyn_riley)