Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DIY: Billy Buttons

I mentioned the other day that I've been gearing up to get my craft on for Erin's baby shower... I finally have something to share with you!

I absolutely love the look of Billy Buttons, so I decided to make some to use as decoration at the shower. They're super adorable and fit in perfectly with the yellow, grey and white theme I'm planning.

A while back I found this tutorial and saved it to pinterest. It really is a great tutorial, so easy to follow. And she even has a follow up post with some trouble shooting ideas.

My first one took me about half an hour - I made it way too small and spent ages slowly adding more felt to it. After that though it only took me about an hour to make all twelve.

Here's how they turned out...

I've also been working on another couple of cute things for the shower. I'll share them soon!